
  廣西大學(xué)第四屆國際青年學(xué)者君武論壇,是廣西大學(xué)發(fā)起,中國教育在線 · 學(xué)術(shù)橋協(xié)辦,面向全球?qū)W者的人才交流盛會。論壇將于2021年11月12-14日在廣西大學(xué)以“線上+線下”相結(jié)合的方式召開。本次論壇旨在為海內(nèi)外優(yōu)秀學(xué)者搭建學(xué)術(shù)交流平臺,就學(xué)術(shù)前沿和熱點問題開展研討與合作,借此促進(jìn)海內(nèi)外優(yōu)秀青年學(xué)者對廣西大學(xué)的深入了解,進(jìn)而建立實質(zhì)性的聯(lián)系與合作。在此,廣西大學(xué)誠邀海內(nèi)外優(yōu)秀青年學(xué)者來校發(fā)展,共謀美好未來!





  ☆ 11月12日全天,參會學(xué)者報到; 地點:廣西大學(xué)薈萃樓

  ☆ 11月13日上午,舉辦學(xué)術(shù)交流論壇; 地點:新聞與傳播學(xué)院融媒體中心

  ☆ 11月13日下午,學(xué)院分論壇(青年學(xué)者在學(xué)院做學(xué)術(shù)報告及交流洽談);地點:各相關(guān)學(xué)院會議室

  ☆ 11月14日上午,校人事評審委員會評議與推薦

  ☆ 11月14日下午 自行參觀校園、離校。


  1. 具有博士學(xué)位,年齡40歲及以下,特別優(yōu)秀的人才年齡可放寬至45歲;

  2. 具有良好的學(xué)術(shù)道德和職業(yè)道德;

  3. 國家引進(jìn)海外高層人才青年項目人選、“萬人計劃”青年拔尖人才、青年長江學(xué)者、國家自然科學(xué)基金優(yōu)秀青年基金獲得者等,或申報上述四類人才項目進(jìn)入會評者,或具有申報上述四類人才項目的潛力者;目前在海內(nèi)外知名高校、科研機(jī)構(gòu)、知名企業(yè)研發(fā)機(jī)構(gòu)有正式教學(xué)或科研職位或擬于2022年7月前取得海內(nèi)外知名大學(xué)博士學(xué)位的優(yōu)秀青年學(xué)者。

  ☆ 溫馨提示



  ☆ 費用說明








  2. 因現(xiàn)場參會名額有限,我們將在收到您的材料后,經(jīng)學(xué)校擇優(yōu)推薦后發(fā)出現(xiàn)場參會邀請,或可以選擇線上參會。




  電 ?話:+86-771-3232147







  協(xié)辦方:中國教育在線 · 學(xué)術(shù)橋





優(yōu)良的學(xué)術(shù)生態(tài)與學(xué)術(shù)發(fā)展保障 事業(yè)編制且有競爭力的薪酬待遇

住房、配偶、子女一攬子方案 解決人才后顧之憂















2021 the 4th Junwu Forum of Guangxi University for International Young Scholars November 12-14, 2021

Introduction to the Forum

  The 4th Junwu Forum of Guangxi University for International Young Scholars, sponsored by Guangxi university and co-organized by EOL·Academic Bridging Program, will serve as an academic exchange gathering for scholars from home and abroad. The Forum is scheduled from November 12 to 14 in the combination of online and offline activities. While aiming to facilitate academic exchanges for domestic and international scholars to explore and cooperate on scientific frontiers and hot issues, the Forum is also committed to deepening their understanding of Guangxi University in the hope of substantive connections and cooperations. Guangxi University hereby sincerely invites Chinese and international young scholars to join us and pursue common development.

Arrangement of the Forum

  Form of the Forum: The Forum will be held online and offline concurrently, in combination of theme forum and sub-forums in different colleges.

  Duration of the Forum: November 12 to 14, 2021.

  Agenda of the Forum:

  ☆November 12: Participating scholars check in at Bocui Building of Guangxi university.

  ☆Morning of November 13: The academic exchange forum is held at the Media Center of Journalism and Communication College.

  ☆A(yù)fternoon of November 13: Sub-forums are held in related colleges.Young scholars are expected to give lectures and have talks with related personnel.

  ☆Morning of November 14: The school personnel committee makes assessment and recommendation.

  ☆A(yù)fternoon of November 14: Participating scholars visit the campus and check out.

Scholars to Be Invited

  1. Scholars who have obtained doctor’s degree under the age of 40. For exceptionally outstanding scholars, the age limit can be extended to 45;

  2. Scholars with academic ethics and professional ethics;

  3. Scholars who are candidates of National Youth Program for Introduced Overseas High-End Talents, or candidates of National Ten-thousand Talents Program for Young Scholars, or young scholars of National Changjiang Scholars Program, or winners of Youth Fund of National Natural Science Fund, or possible candidates who have entered the evaluation process or have the potentials to apply for the membership of the mentioned four types of programs and fund; or scholars who have official teaching or research posts at prestigious colleges, research institutes, or R&D departments of enterprises or scholars who will obtain doctor’s degree before July of 2022 from prestigious colleges or universities at home and abroad.

  ☆ A Kindly Reminder

  Since it’s the crucial stage of preventing coronavirus from rebounding, to guarantee the success of this Forum and health of all participants, international scholars are suggested to participate in the online activity, while invited domestic scholars are supposed to conduct a fourteen-day self surveillance before checking-in and register a Guangxi Health QR Code with vaccination proof and green code pass by the means of Wechat or Alipay (see following picture). Domestic scholars from medium and high risk regions are not allowed to participate in the Forum.

Scan to register a Guangxi Health QR Code


  After receiving the invitation, domestic scholars are supposed to book airline or train tickets by themselves. The travel expenses to Nanning and back will be recoverable with Guangxi university. Each scholar may claim a reimbursement limit of 5,000 RMB.

  Food and accommodation during the Forum will be arranged and borne by Guangxi University.

Disciplines Needed

  Mathematics, physics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, chemical engineering and technology, computer science and technology, light industry technology and engineering, material science and engineering, crop science, plant protection, ecology, animal husbandry, veterinary science, biology, Marxist theories, law, Chinese language and literature, journalism and communication, foreign languages and literature, applied economics, business administration, public management, marine science, pharmacy, biomedical engineering, clinical medicine, basic medicine, music and dance, fine arts, designing and sports science, etc.

Registration Method

  1.The scholars who meet our requirements please scan the following QR code or log on the registration system to fill in related information. The registration link: https://zpjob.acabridge.cn/frontend/frm/?f_id=121&cj_id_lonely=2463

Scan the QR code for a quick registration

  2.Due to the limitation of accommodation, upon receiving your materials, the staff will send you the invitation to participate in either the online or off-line activity after the school personnel committee reviews the materials and offers an invitation list.

Consulting Methods

  Sponsor:Guangxi University

  Contact Person: Mr. Hu Changwen, Ms.Tian Liheng, Ms. Cai Lingbo



  QQ: 863236887

  University homepage: www.gxu.edu.cn

  Address:Human Resources department of Guangxi University, 100, Daxue Road East, Nanning, Guangxi

  Zip Code:530004

  Attachment Download: Application Form for Teaching Posts at Guangxi University

  Co-organizer: EOL·Academic Bridging Program

  Contact Person:Ms. Zhao Jia

  Tel: 13810238612 (the same withWechat account)

  Email: zhaojia@eol.cn

Guangxi University Welcomes You!

Excellent academic ecology, development guarantee,

public institution staffing and competitive payment!

A package settlement of housing, spouse employment and child schooling!

  Situated in the south of Guangxi, junction of border and sea, bank of Yongjiang River and the green city of Nanning, Guangxi University (GXU) is a picturesque and prestigious university in south China. Co-constructed by the Ministry of Education and the Government of Guangxi, it is covered by National 211 Project and the National Plan to Build Universities with World-Class Disciplines.

A Pioneer in Higher Education of Guangxi and a Cradle of Modern Talents

  Founded in 1928, GXU is the first institution of higher education in Guangxi. Its first president is Dr. Ma Junwu, China’s first engineering doctor in Germany, a renowned educator, scientist and democratic revolutionist. His reputation equals that of Cai Yuanpei (former president of Peking University) in educational circle. Dr. Ma Junwu was praised as a “Grand Master” by Premier Zhou Enlai. Over the past 90 years, GXU has developed into one with the longest history, largest scale, largest number of disciplines and greatest comprehensive strength among all the comprehensive universities in Guangxi. It has cultivated more than 500,000 professionals and talents including academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, leaders in CPC committees and government agencies at all levels, and backbones and experts in all walks of life.

Varieties of Disciplines and Outstanding Comprehensive Advantages

  GXU covers eleven disciplines including philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, management and arts. It encompasses two national key disciplines, one national key (cultivation) discipline, nineteen first-level doctoral programs, one professional doctoral program, forty first-level master's programs and eleven post-doctoral research stations. The University’s discipline groups of civil engineering and advanced materials have been selected into the national list of world-class disciplines construction, and applied economics and modern services have been included into the first-class disciplines for joint construction by the Ministry of Education and the Government of Guangxi. In addition, ten specialty disciplines are listed in the provincial program of key disciplines.

Clustering Scientific Research Platforms and Solid Innovation Foundations

  Guangxi University boasts one national key laboratory, one national key laboratory base co-constructed by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Government of Guangxi, one national-level international science and technology cooperation base, four key laboratories and engineering research centers of the Ministry of Education, one country and regional research base of the Ministry of Education, two collaborative innovation centers co-constructed by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Government of Guangxi and one key laboratory of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, as well as thirty-two scientific research platforms at provincial level including key laboratories, engineering technology research centers, engineering research centers, international science and technology cooperation bases, agricultural breeding centers and collaborative innovation centers. In recent three years, the school has built ten public teaching platforms, thirty-seven labs and one analyzing and testing center for school needs.

  Responding to the major strategic demands at national, regional and local levels, Guangxi University has achieved a series of influential applicable results of scientific research including large span steel tube concrete arch bridge construction, green and efficient bleaching equipment and technology for pulping and paper making, concentrated organic waste water treatment, South China Sea coral reef ecological protection and reef island engineering, universe high-energy ray astrophysics and probing technology, high-resistance, high-sugar and high-productivity sugarcane variety cultivation, China-Asean big data research and application, counter-gravity near-net shape casting, 3-dimensional graphene preparation and application, new lightning-protection technology for power grids, optimal dispatch for power grids, transgenic cloned buffalo breeding, etc., for which a number of national-level prizes of science and technology have been awarded. The team of large span arch bridge was awarded a national medal for innovation, making it one of the top ten teams of China. To better meet the country's strategic demands, Guangxi University is currently working on its advantages and characteristics in four fields namely protection, development and application of sub-tropical biological resources, marine biological protection and resource development and application, cultural and economic exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN, and ethnic cultural protection and inheritance in border areas.

Prominent Geographical Advantages and Superior Living Environment

  Situated in southwest China and adjacent to southeast Asia, bordering Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao on the east and Beibu Gulf on the south, Guangxi benefits from superior geographical advantages, and was approved by the State in 2019 to be a pilot free trade zone. Nanning, the capital city of Guangxi and where the university is located, is the core city of China’s Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, a comprehensive transportation hub connecting the southwest areas with coastal areas and is the permanent venue of China-ASEAN Expo. Situated within the subtropical climate zone, Nanning is always green with trees and fruits in all four seasons, and the city is surrounded by green mountains and clear water. Nanning is known as “China’s Green City” because grass never withers in winter and flowers bloom all year round here. Besides, it is also a winner of the “UN Habitat Scroll of Honor” and entitled as the National Ecological Garden City.

  With the inauguration of China’s 14th Five-Year Plan to build a modernized socialist country, the Ministry of Education, the CPC committee and the government of Guangxi have attached increasing importance to the University’s development and innovation by offering policy and financial support. The school has entered the fast lane due to the overlapping of opportunities and leapfrog development with a vision to build it into a first class research-oriented university with distinctive features in China. The University is now more eager than ever to have more outstanding scholars join the staff. To serve that end, the University tries its best to build favorable academic ecology and conditions, offer competitive payment and public institution staffing, arrange jobs for their spouse, offer their children first-class elementary and secondary education, and settle housing for them. Let’s join hands to promote Guangxi’s science and education as well as usher in a brighter future of Guangxi University’s 100th anniversary!

Types and Requirements for Talents

Payment and Benefit

Disciplines Needed and Contact Way

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